Inhumanum: The Inhumanity of Man

Our Latest TV Mini Series

The aim of the 8-episode TV Mini Series »Inhumanum: The inhumanity of Man« is to objectively present all the aspects and consequences resulting from the act of murder, thereby contributing to the culture of non-violence in the society.

he hid me

Our latest book

»He hid me« is a true story about the life of a 5-year-old girl Doris who was sexually abused by a 22-year-old perpetrator on 7 November 1989. It is a story about the life of her mother, father, and sister who had to fight with the trauma after Doris’s death in 1990.

inhumanum film production

What We Do?

»Inhumanum film« is a film production brand of the Institute for Local Self-Government that gathers professional production companies, organizations, and artists of the film industry, producing feature films, documentaries, animations, and other film projects with the aim to contribute to the culture of non-violence in society.

A creative crew

Meet The Team

Boštjan Brezovnik, Ph.D. is a director of the Institute of the Local Self-Government, university law professor at Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Faculty of Law and Administration in Lublin (Poland), and a Dean at the New University, European Faculty of Law (Slovenia). He is an author, co-writer, and co-producer of the 8-episode TV miniseries »Inhumanum: The Inhumanity of Man«. He’s currently developing documentary and feature film projects with the aim to contribute to the culture of non-violence in society.

Boštjan Brezovnik
creative producer

Aneta Zagorska founded Barton Film studio (currently Film Kraków Spółka z o.o.), which carries out documentary and fictional film projects. On her initiative in 2015, Krakow Film Klaster - Association from Lesser Poland was established. For two years, Aneta Zagórska has been implementing a program financed by EU funds Filmowa Małopolska (2019-2022) intended for the development and promotion of the film industry. Aneta Zagórska is a member of the international European Producers Club.

Aneta Zagorska
Aleš Pavlin
Andrej Štritof
Igor Zupe
director & writer

Mário Cunha is the author or co-author of thirty audiovisual products broadcasted on the three major Portuguese TV stations. He’s currently developing documentary and fiction projects and teaches screenwriting at the World Academy, in Lisbon.

Mário Cunha
Janez Krušič
jurnalist & narrator

Marek Gajczak graduated at the Lodz Film School at the Direction of Photography Department (1998). He also completed the Masterclass for DOP workshops in Budapest. For the short film titled Antichrist (2002) directed by Adam Guzinski, he received the award for cinematography at the European Short Film Festival in Stuttgart-Ludwigsburg (2003), while the film itself was submitted for an Oscar after receiving the Grand Prix at the Bilbao festival (2002).

Marek Gajczak
director & director of photography

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    Theresa Jordan

    Curabitur nec justo sit amet urna convallis viverra. Phasellus auctor id lectus vel tincidunt. Phasellus sed lorem id diam venenatis ullamcorper. Curabitur iaculis risus vitae magna eleifend, at auctor dolor ultricies. Sed rhoncus aliquam turpis, a hendrerit arcu.


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